What the Leap Year project is.

The Leap Year I am going to show you is a series of drawings. I made each day, in Leap Year of 2008. The drawings actually started the day January 6th. I had just got back from being at my parents house for a month in Michigan. When I returned to Massachusetts I had no job, it was winter and I wanted something to pass the time. I decided drawing every day would at least fill up an hour of my day.

How it works: I'll send you an email every week on Wednesday. If you see one you like, email me. Let me know which one you want. First come first serve. The shipping is included, they are not framed, each are originals. In with your money, please include a note describing why you picked the one you did. In with the drawing I will tell you a story about its origins.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 18 2008

Do You Know Your Back is Hairy?

I know there are hairy backs everywhere! But this one is moving to Brooklyn. (sold)

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